<- read.csv("EQ_Data.csv")
eq # focusing on q1.raw to q40.raw
<- eq[,c(paste("Q",1:40,".processed",sep=""))]
eq_processed ::paged_table(eq_processed) rmarkdown
colnames(eq_processed) <- paste("eq",1:40, sep="")
Questionnaires and surveys often have items that reflect multiple sub-scales or multiple related constructs, in a single measure. For example, the empathy quotient (Lawrence et al. 2004) has multiple types of empathy within it:
cognitive empathy
emotional reactivity
social skills
Let’s use one publicly available data set to check if we can replicate these subscales:
We already have three subscales for the empathy quotient, so let’s confirm whether our current data is consistent with them. The subscales are:
14: I am good at predicting how someone will feel.
15: I am quick to spot when someone in a group is feeling awkward or uncomfortable.
29: I can sense if I am intruding, even if the other person doesn’t tell me.
34: I can tune into how someone else feels rapidly and intuitively.
35: I can easily work out what another person might want to talk about.
Social Skills:
2: I find it difficult to explain to others things that I understand easily, when they don’t understand it first time.
4: I find it hard to know what to do in a social situation.
7: Friendships and relationships are just too difficult, so I tend not to bother with them.
8: I often find it difficult to judge if something is rude or polite.
21: I don’t tend to find social situations confusing.
3: I really enjoy caring for other people.
16: If I say something that someone else is offended by, I think that that’s their problem, not mine.
19: Seeing people cry doesn’t really upset me.
33: I usually stay emotionally detached when watching a film.
39: I tend to get emotionally involved with a friend’s problems.
Let’s start by looking at correlation matrices to see if the items tend to correlate with each other in the current data set:
eq14 eq15 eq29 eq34 eq35
eq14 1.0000000 0.34501695 0.2905797 0.4416185 0.27504384
eq15 0.3450170 1.00000000 0.3721252 0.2532783 0.07192026
eq29 0.2905797 0.37212520 1.0000000 0.2468024 0.28854264
eq34 0.4416185 0.25327834 0.2468024 1.0000000 0.23509011
eq35 0.2750438 0.07192026 0.2885426 0.2350901 1.00000000
So far looking good, as everything positively correlates - mostly with r-values greater than .25. Let’s now see how well each item loads onto the total of these scores:
── Attaching core tidyverse packages ──────────────────────── tidyverse 2.0.0 ──
✔ dplyr 1.1.3 ✔ readr 2.1.4
✔ forcats 1.0.0 ✔ stringr 1.5.0
✔ ggplot2 3.4.4 ✔ tibble 3.2.1
✔ lubridate 1.9.3 ✔ tidyr 1.3.0
✔ purrr 1.0.2
── Conflicts ────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
✖ dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
✖ dplyr::lag() masks stats::lag()
ℹ Use the conflicted package (<http://conflicted.r-lib.org/>) to force all conflicts to become errors
Attaching package: 'kableExtra'
The following object is masked from 'package:dplyr':
eq_subscales_r <- data.frame(
# Cog
# Social Skills
# Emotion
matrix(data = c(
rowSums(eq_processed[,c("eq2","eq4", "eq7", "eq8", "eq21")]),
), ncol = 3
colnames(eq_subscales_r) <- c( "Cognitive", "Social", "Emotion")
eq_subscales_r %>% mutate_all(~cell_spec(
color = ifelse(.x < .4, "black", "white"),
background = ifelse(.x > .4, "red"," white"))) %>%
kable(escape = F) %>%
Cognitive | Social | Emotion | |
eq14 | 0.730729714723979 | 0.110723735489975 | 0.31320589104921 |
eq15 | 0.60185382395657 | 0.198874708000659 | 0.137720182774352 |
eq29 | 0.659975490377257 | 0.0278299656284012 | 0.364451955577018 |
eq34 | 0.679619374819311 | 0.0226190168052008 | 0.395730784538071 |
eq35 | 0.587492289787915 | 0.122610871425514 | 0.242014658835711 |
eq2 | -0.00813200484463844 | 0.576298173261772 | 0.133855862092061 |
eq4 | 0.0479274896411267 | 0.662778025977272 | 0.123591773099612 |
eq7 | -0.0312109379222552 | 0.438752142983534 | 0.234889555117118 |
eq8 | 0.226816177181639 | 0.427950397740909 | 0.134334810841783 |
eq21 | 0.161873895295539 | 0.627680352407105 | -0.0206828796782751 |
eq3 | 0.29722368237889 | -0.00177049925158063 | 0.62739169422544 |
eq16 | 0.268239998089082 | 0.168294312535106 | 0.592732439474545 |
eq19 | 0.35758009314024 | 0.183400506448371 | 0.552243103025108 |
eq33 | 0.159850007854409 | 0.302368129555882 | 0.665487951247779 |
eq39 | 0.349069094803534 | 0.0110077011019322 | 0.690638221783324 |
This is quite dense, but in broad terms, we want to cluster items that correlate with each other into one component (AKA factor AKA subscale).
If we use a package in R we can start identifying the top 3 components and check if the questions map on to what we would expect for each of the three subscales:
eq16 eq20 eq22 eq18 eq13
0.2752500 0.2436235 0.2428536 0.2329153 0.2315572
eq37 eq11 eq21 eq4 eq38
0.03183132 -0.02479062 -0.03616440 -0.04118648 -0.04219994
Component 1 involves questions 20, 33, 31, 16 and 5. These items are: - 20: I am very blunt, which some people take to be rudeness, even though this is unintentional. - 33: I usually stay emotionally detached when watching a film. - 31: Other people often say that I am insensitive, though I don’t always see why. - 16: If I say something that someone else is offended by, I think that that’s their problem, not mine. - 5: People often tell me that I went too far in driving my point home in a discussion.
So how do we start doing this? We can make a regression to determine the loading of all the items onto the total:
(Intercept) eq2 eq3 eq4 eq5
-0.4547242739 0.1848459062 0.0008838912 0.1848745215 -0.0496279785
eq6 eq7 eq8 eq9 eq10
0.0306243998 0.1206735873 0.0850514704 -0.1133026903 0.0828400027
eq11 eq12 eq13 eq14 eq15
-0.3193175205 0.0294001228 -0.0639375439 -0.0569689598 0.1213792245
eq16 eq17 eq18 eq19 eq20
-0.0949204164 0.0833283618 -0.1107909629 -0.2080609287 0.0922992241
eq21 eq22 eq23 eq24 eq25
-0.0565096267 0.0101494380 0.2210134281 0.1792635433 0.0536522942
eq26 eq27 eq28 eq29 eq30
0.0636991757 0.1067968018 0.0895769174 0.1704297362 0.1226011527
eq31 eq32 eq33 eq34 eq35
-0.0253840314 -0.1658941305 0.1227288110 0.2609650282 0.2561104255
eq36 eq37 eq38 eq39 eq40
0.0611831954 -0.1397851385 0.2618918575 -0.2598533042 0.1532014221
eigen() decomposition
[1] 2.93449333 1.87628459 1.31590409 1.12748372 0.94180395 0.88649785
[7] 0.79441522 0.71321627 0.65949310 0.62037952 0.57051522 0.51529423
[13] 0.47943423 0.44518243 0.42671811 0.40955342 0.38885355 0.36458886
[19] 0.34093142 0.32034798 0.28981434 0.26346324 0.25212709 0.21377123
[25] 0.19943788 0.16612460 0.15125182 0.13004091 0.12441560 0.11618794
[31] 0.11047414 0.10347115 0.08948276 0.08151707 0.06526776 0.05568862
[37] 0.05048182 0.04280785 0.03199620 0.01706141
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
[1,] -0.14885205 0.10112567 -0.02509082 -0.071014782 0.070127637
[2,] -0.10091649 -0.12487961 -0.21344804 0.126134563 -0.363701783
[3,] -0.21319619 0.06215300 0.14461470 0.111668352 0.254921340
[4,] -0.04118648 -0.01513016 -0.42425919 0.110096470 0.018531412
[5,] -0.17453482 -0.27933600 0.05769899 -0.012773827 -0.094372919
[6,] -0.12317922 0.04277050 0.13093569 -0.152834097 -0.075972782
[7,] -0.09429054 -0.12047107 -0.11068727 0.095173646 0.321122230
[8,] -0.15532360 -0.04014554 -0.11777900 -0.162564085 -0.112894310
[9,] -0.15175665 -0.13375762 -0.09957822 0.015337922 0.099157025
[10,] -0.11476213 0.07181521 0.20893937 0.185060033 0.179800156
[11,] -0.02479062 0.20731727 -0.11512269 -0.129484221 -0.124767585
[12,] -0.20001559 -0.08797362 -0.28406761 -0.149859215 0.179441277
[13,] -0.23155718 0.14482426 0.02484372 -0.102876589 0.133912627
[14,] -0.18108913 0.18299383 -0.01014458 -0.166832869 -0.090845908
[15,] -0.10440156 0.11709966 -0.07772977 -0.105781123 0.105817944
[16,] -0.27525004 -0.17463360 0.05807836 -0.074587632 -0.109099073
[17,] -0.12515385 -0.11189375 0.22004369 -0.070312126 0.144586699
[18,] -0.23291526 -0.05944152 -0.24972629 -0.118728554 -0.070205907
[19,] -0.13481111 0.15230707 -0.07563699 0.265291859 -0.141997509
[20,] -0.24362346 -0.36238558 -0.07453948 -0.156177866 0.025176784
[21,] -0.03616440 0.03942237 -0.34412315 0.148213368 -0.048368899
[22,] -0.24285356 0.12463983 0.13604868 -0.051930456 -0.246722473
[23,] -0.05203000 -0.01501208 0.16511453 -0.002450736 0.270528451
[24,] -0.05906693 0.19421309 0.15273056 0.358550925 -0.177778979
[25,] -0.09644040 -0.08117186 0.26316869 -0.140791173 -0.035738385
[26,] -0.07345369 0.18152254 -0.07792673 -0.124229730 0.065045677
[27,] -0.10514313 0.11214456 -0.02311665 0.353333232 -0.154066342
[28,] -0.21837854 0.02627596 0.18307314 -0.127036457 -0.207679119
[29,] -0.14871777 0.15334195 0.01875033 0.017018645 -0.094104526
[30,] -0.13421971 -0.19925686 0.06446130 0.102339786 -0.341431242
[31,] -0.22781047 -0.24536195 0.04637429 0.050756852 0.010756140
[32,] -0.16086212 -0.03560941 -0.12984607 0.332415006 0.208100395
[33,] -0.22804044 -0.11299201 -0.01468625 0.293444598 0.219353354
[34,] -0.17436789 0.18970876 0.03337218 -0.049325165 -0.007173955
[35,] -0.11389235 0.14957934 -0.15942072 -0.172264522 0.002624950
[36,] -0.10887641 0.25415327 -0.08877280 -0.068476179 0.041093920
[37,] 0.03183132 0.01079756 -0.09170238 0.184201107 -0.090322073
[38,] -0.04219994 0.29754522 -0.10121144 -0.115424152 0.104174103
[39,] -0.21909596 0.14852516 0.22629102 0.171059890 0.019044720
[40,] -0.16930983 0.22832068 -0.04107838 0.005916164 0.051211687
[,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10]
[1,] 0.006119948 0.02324630 0.040691595 -0.1294096393 -0.148942216
[2,] 0.016933565 -0.17665873 0.223096197 -0.0405096824 0.352530196
[3,] -0.042796961 0.09290645 0.026050627 0.0395456079 0.054063729
[4,] -0.074503190 0.16521157 -0.202173247 -0.2966167135 0.124578200
[5,] 0.012713419 -0.06357712 -0.086066025 -0.0491824725 -0.051250400
[6,] 0.435228223 0.06098821 -0.161284969 0.2577071219 0.117801427
[7,] -0.271066653 -0.01194754 -0.057270194 0.0979508265 -0.044225282
[8,] 0.134081558 0.12799009 -0.071293952 -0.2198553070 -0.451131985
[9,] 0.207132844 -0.14029164 0.093306497 0.0656231074 0.184870075
[10,] 0.142926959 -0.18753662 -0.116615738 0.0570337168 0.013059541
[11,] -0.032643620 -0.04351784 -0.222009296 0.1315299255 -0.013179787
[12,] 0.199806055 0.13708449 0.060524975 0.1992480218 -0.132030286
[13,] -0.153104814 0.04908259 0.342429803 0.1077049680 0.149118464
[14,] 0.003958447 -0.03875740 -0.098081800 -0.0317053321 0.008479807
[15,] -0.127331352 -0.02569759 -0.006488851 0.1161201330 -0.099095263
[16,] 0.198074734 0.32323386 -0.157413533 -0.0004700701 0.258594312
[17,] -0.068202126 -0.31281778 0.085339084 -0.0076273430 -0.058200957
[18,] 0.137998888 -0.16938085 0.201376101 0.1345761916 0.016416638
[19,] -0.117115123 0.05501882 -0.138403111 0.1168033759 0.184423548
[20,] -0.309746658 0.32653654 0.092161901 -0.1094815145 -0.073249089
[21,] -0.030030064 -0.36464316 -0.109756057 0.2834541486 -0.077322145
[22,] -0.073825472 -0.14454128 -0.071059067 -0.0699442597 -0.189200852
[23,] 0.418352031 0.06055086 0.002244558 0.0325248469 0.041387139
[24,] 0.050443616 0.12239003 0.191329884 0.0599348238 -0.209461246
[25,] -0.144190583 0.06700051 0.081587883 -0.0543381124 0.206056218
[26,] 0.070323095 0.01312386 0.048277226 -0.0780515538 0.003983627
[27,] 0.084677432 0.28827864 0.182056470 0.1048929065 -0.270329635
[28,] 0.022764004 -0.15490076 -0.040686689 -0.1208785449 -0.154640753
[29,] -0.028725942 0.03954373 -0.009367995 0.1293606197 -0.006759526
[30,] -0.112625495 0.04595560 -0.210180789 0.2547197346 0.043968622
[31,] -0.060563016 -0.31190190 0.213870711 -0.0204652801 -0.004114626
[32,] 0.061696200 0.12617541 0.076618157 0.1160058088 0.013861306
[33,] 0.048341035 -0.20001719 -0.427379992 -0.2543358862 -0.115205194
[34,] -0.047060618 -0.11709317 0.050869067 -0.1546589529 0.062455555
[35,] 0.101873334 0.04138749 -0.131456373 -0.0606821789 0.037080094
[36,] -0.093811702 -0.09952521 -0.049077877 -0.1227509486 -0.019950696
[37,] 0.309862048 -0.06975852 0.245299005 -0.5309007228 0.118851107
[38,] -0.072224835 0.01754501 -0.065361115 -0.0487848696 0.308351032
[39,] -0.168248949 0.12052077 -0.146240053 -0.1386520615 0.229948767
[40,] -0.055521030 0.03278789 0.280474287 -0.0010935095 -0.095309650
[,11] [,12] [,13] [,14] [,15]
[1,] -0.253868134 -0.026378923 0.139382716 0.044761895 0.08948919
[2,] -0.022810667 0.020994584 -0.077046746 0.346488286 -0.08691651
[3,] 0.120914913 -0.072314901 0.187086205 0.301066309 0.32564864
[4,] -0.088050052 -0.243189034 -0.267756742 0.072911971 0.03630678
[5,] -0.072822847 -0.288424864 -0.078123589 -0.273594921 0.01349082
[6,] -0.203816671 -0.275828938 -0.203716874 0.094047851 -0.11443579
[7,] 0.005326963 0.006993484 0.014542079 -0.149687164 -0.15293618
[8,] 0.045712400 0.076175741 -0.265109868 0.202428397 -0.02931851
[9,] 0.138159936 -0.024521607 -0.160244586 -0.348243157 0.23199313
[10,] 0.264929142 0.043684988 0.050768359 0.145715076 -0.18998061
[11,] 0.110870762 0.403955313 -0.073179826 0.010223102 -0.14049182
[12,] 0.070954746 0.093634203 -0.128963760 0.049677031 0.30365893
[13,] -0.114143158 -0.269418949 -0.071534229 -0.078927689 -0.15602113
[14,] -0.173753963 -0.040394180 0.164228968 0.052666105 -0.04110498
[15,] -0.144614985 0.053256450 -0.053968648 0.066967560 -0.28890074
[16,] -0.116896928 0.230041437 0.075767587 -0.041653811 -0.25641550
[17,] -0.429776496 0.243035922 -0.261530553 0.093768297 0.17357371
[18,] 0.316419980 0.178596105 0.051927948 0.007019879 -0.21310623
[19,] 0.136542837 0.018220133 0.087625887 0.084760908 0.21910180
[20,] 0.058038535 0.002380763 0.297734072 0.115009764 -0.12710823
[21,] -0.185384319 -0.138466933 0.134471641 0.071194368 -0.07846002
[22,] 0.168649625 -0.179815303 0.017623692 0.114531283 0.11851323
[23,] 0.011044629 -0.023558273 0.317489916 0.100585874 -0.01445311
[24,] -0.097156222 0.155450721 -0.175588489 -0.079492243 -0.08651245
[25,] -0.066388538 0.306500289 -0.188557761 -0.005850511 0.05072269
[26,] -0.216927702 -0.043321064 0.077391489 -0.210244505 -0.00799991
[27,] -0.149843296 0.131568176 0.016582460 -0.022052581 0.11290888
[28,] 0.072210654 -0.274295719 0.023933918 0.071539745 -0.01341991
[29,] 0.070641695 0.027451376 0.070896954 -0.336881264 -0.19055657
[30,] -0.219397023 0.021368869 0.280512041 -0.193161328 0.25095271
[31,] 0.027619178 0.121965742 -0.060345272 -0.044247910 0.10288207
[32,] -0.110944046 -0.033972122 -0.114297377 0.183704630 -0.03051556
[33,] -0.069234258 0.128769313 0.022270597 -0.116804666 -0.16698083
[34,] 0.017632909 0.061659269 0.160647608 0.162520062 0.04542429
[35,] 0.176403011 0.121207893 -0.055449911 -0.202345939 0.33783961
[36,] -0.065575303 0.141128952 0.145660585 -0.095775914 0.10261327
[37,] -0.091821121 0.066421466 0.215964244 -0.150725673 -0.04461417
[38,] -0.227886499 0.068254196 0.004405031 0.075515277 0.06253901
[39,] 0.210024433 -0.096319225 -0.318256877 -0.058321039 -0.04186827
[40,] 0.098775253 -0.135888673 -0.007911576 -0.228873442 -0.07877680
[,16] [,17] [,18] [,19] [,20]
[1,] -0.094923537 -0.192238711 -0.09534877 -0.159657019 -0.263154099
[2,] -0.121152744 -0.268133556 -0.02037691 -0.073369010 -0.361937208
[3,] 0.136792271 -0.170694040 -0.21878266 -0.140875936 -0.102684603
[4,] 0.149548107 0.007767771 -0.20848356 -0.067509154 0.185568114
[5,] 0.481794881 -0.188839707 0.11141921 0.038518180 -0.038908091
[6,] -0.036236361 0.342278526 -0.18683115 -0.093753777 -0.030993709
[7,] -0.028349776 -0.033031614 -0.06621637 0.343806212 -0.194590135
[8,] -0.033311715 0.133706153 0.08596254 -0.020568295 -0.217074430
[9,] 0.055467903 0.043113458 -0.01553761 0.204987535 -0.198908488
[10,] 0.343420406 0.069697224 -0.28911609 -0.273611058 0.069972436
[11,] 0.214466094 0.108083332 -0.13501143 0.101843466 -0.033521223
[12,] -0.056667299 -0.215770902 -0.19729269 0.124579893 0.175846777
[13,] -0.208146922 0.061091112 -0.08383813 -0.164370003 0.230492665
[14,] -0.027594081 -0.007459796 -0.02565145 0.335406003 0.283029151
[15,] 0.079017018 -0.125565686 -0.06598592 -0.042522877 -0.040319330
[16,] -0.003111449 -0.284897471 0.08718054 0.005253693 0.204073473
[17,] 0.013151740 0.083604440 0.23870805 -0.133560752 0.093053343
[18,] -0.010005348 0.192489223 0.20382396 -0.036038300 -0.031016716
[19,] -0.007722025 0.089276259 0.25784135 0.005659660 0.280583546
[20,] 0.027470624 0.239427325 -0.05417795 -0.058508189 -0.056329942
[21,] -0.157064450 -0.136480572 -0.06166973 -0.012169958 0.045251810
[22,] 0.009507169 -0.186098407 -0.10823197 0.227906483 0.032039812
[23,] -0.164121480 -0.078152996 0.13108411 0.243008214 -0.176144583
[24,] 0.086174771 -0.241328036 -0.05969505 0.140081716 -0.027124119
[25,] 0.011038704 -0.172615827 -0.11747661 0.068862712 0.111035856
[26,] 0.128928264 -0.053620643 0.05692409 -0.245700805 -0.216982410
[27,] -0.102461867 0.233335740 -0.15346714 0.017944021 -0.003563527
[28,] 0.013283549 0.023721311 0.14159740 0.176211916 0.042775237
[29,] 0.062276826 -0.144201758 -0.08689177 -0.202104892 -0.100007284
[30,] -0.010394611 0.202151342 -0.02704892 -0.090903607 -0.145816766
[31,] -0.026404981 0.214858055 -0.31276877 0.044056190 0.114886719
[32,] 0.320797860 0.083951261 0.43460631 0.046631181 -0.005060487
[33,] -0.353547954 -0.025710715 0.02007452 -0.076692996 0.079746128
[34,] 0.085732769 0.034358582 0.21586470 -0.122799869 0.069852372
[35,] -0.147264008 -0.100313953 0.12993224 -0.301260599 0.037329184
[36,] 0.185613773 0.122754928 -0.02132291 0.016540313 -0.159091609
[37,] 0.079922147 0.126452053 -0.16708879 0.071711947 0.129862952
[38,] 0.104901845 0.187108097 -0.06353429 0.331486099 -0.184810504
[39,] -0.271893227 0.130433763 0.03299805 0.035128750 -0.284171868
[40,] -0.065532585 0.003331394 0.14907648 0.019462781 0.111738238
[,21] [,22] [,23] [,24] [,25]
[1,] 0.057672069 -0.010551627 0.014968636 0.1097851744 -0.127171088
[2,] 0.052742405 -0.075167540 0.097918946 0.1288066938 -0.003167578
[3,] -0.091351983 0.071981822 0.098595627 0.1932563305 0.074172130
[4,] -0.089750265 0.012887413 -0.069575343 0.0201398071 -0.074999800
[5,] -0.105054835 0.099999891 0.215121871 0.0320525083 0.276750869
[6,] -0.018051076 -0.107230686 0.215391029 0.0278297235 -0.261925807
[7,] -0.110984652 -0.004501101 -0.172779210 0.0437490646 -0.474516306
[8,] 0.317941149 0.270735936 -0.265285451 -0.0677401142 -0.035585094
[9,] 0.009873304 0.268701811 -0.057027592 0.1086886812 -0.128163197
[10,] 0.076670473 0.006345776 -0.350082840 0.1281912774 -0.007574883
[11,] -0.065025747 -0.194878502 0.136143733 0.1878198469 -0.053093452
[12,] -0.112253421 -0.256008332 0.062484961 -0.2442605282 0.139343090
[13,] 0.128292244 0.316523701 -0.125319360 0.0784518976 0.091945693
[14,] 0.060555856 0.004547840 0.076081147 0.1079321765 -0.007279708
[15,] 0.225037036 -0.002187989 0.160618807 -0.3477567168 0.200652679
[16,] -0.176525618 0.107213379 -0.255439051 -0.0272481522 -0.115792942
[17,] -0.257692097 -0.186722861 -0.201635226 0.1297006215 0.086662286
[18,] -0.209706251 0.201864780 0.047428530 0.1039642797 0.172330896
[19,] 0.274574355 0.094625818 0.139058644 0.0006627626 -0.099762103
[20,] -0.010208942 -0.239235823 0.091686272 0.1777883597 -0.001568161
[21,] -0.069699526 -0.091453598 -0.290076956 -0.0343322188 0.019308268
[22,] -0.073354275 0.111719789 -0.149595935 -0.1353328673 -0.004963187
[23,] 0.142208245 -0.052849616 -0.015582670 -0.0992049892 0.089362240
[24,] 0.077014285 -0.040263842 0.165036300 0.1958822410 -0.189610287
[25,] 0.231526169 0.098279972 -0.061075475 -0.0125485845 -0.019225859
[26,] -0.004669175 0.030269719 0.151333121 -0.0211666407 -0.203903433
[27,] -0.349408797 0.187095515 0.008207817 0.0295395527 0.173370681
[28,] -0.016886784 -0.246723640 -0.036673036 0.1842840233 -0.010075954
[29,] 0.029013724 -0.167060014 -0.029893424 -0.1945045934 0.167493234
[30,] 0.166349960 -0.010025768 -0.209196032 -0.1056451108 0.009238251
[31,] 0.245671242 -0.080741853 0.230342462 -0.2352927921 -0.138194625
[32,] 0.234658334 -0.172874740 -0.057908496 -0.1222790914 -0.006920263
[33,] 0.056578419 0.135243648 0.327772042 0.1664786261 0.149730837
[34,] -0.341029989 0.155614708 0.176302491 -0.3893493814 -0.362084771
[35,] 0.138372105 -0.191425450 -0.073764745 0.1813234310 -0.060065814
[36,] 0.017882284 0.088301359 -0.056626891 -0.1075930915 0.020749553
[37,] 0.038662979 -0.214313995 -0.172380866 -0.1201924920 0.039706488
[38,] 0.048990490 0.067009239 -0.034395153 0.1525092351 0.325790082
[39,] -0.193488224 -0.243956538 -0.083020835 -0.2744093864 0.146703443
[40,] 0.074083456 -0.267947912 -0.056702045 0.2101688044 -0.049783535
[,26] [,27] [,28] [,29] [,30]
[1,] 0.1261976960 0.4845188015 -0.057770949 -0.140507882 -0.025772829
[2,] 0.0206144478 -0.0230884426 0.046307863 0.072373564 0.116750147
[3,] -0.1823751123 -0.3561312586 0.054947467 0.045154503 -0.087922747
[4,] 0.0628123080 0.2343519072 0.265168309 -0.030656805 0.115630452
[5,] 0.1310736588 -0.0070743408 -0.236793636 0.081898799 0.211634066
[6,] -0.0385937111 -0.0711048529 -0.076164795 -0.214972619 -0.145522262
[7,] 0.1315442218 -0.0630451939 -0.215327781 -0.048833432 0.096518845
[8,] 0.1082669211 -0.2519390034 -0.070704782 0.135653858 0.045384229
[9,] 0.0007944122 0.0104994599 0.354746023 0.149582306 -0.404848848
[10,] 0.1693863971 0.2743603613 -0.081317473 0.102996515 0.010999736
[11,] -0.0540792995 -0.1594418821 0.174381159 0.030223976 0.344251588
[12,] -0.0202520296 0.1014750013 -0.181411806 -0.024019058 0.049655459
[13,] -0.1328828723 -0.1352276350 -0.107243577 0.020129689 0.224284343
[14,] 0.1904037295 0.0278573378 0.148270272 0.091071121 -0.130051812
[15,] -0.0500101508 0.1702298879 0.036838424 0.230090443 -0.341186432
[16,] -0.1878720247 -0.0648672691 -0.097741463 0.219430770 0.001730235
[17,] 0.2170308246 -0.0699135511 0.021538774 0.008099121 -0.086690936
[18,] 0.0231632243 0.2378415260 -0.133672035 -0.262831366 -0.045238335
[19,] 0.4182285733 0.0008798547 -0.145151997 0.134670728 -0.074284223
[20,] 0.1228706469 -0.0773181768 0.036874934 -0.028801053 -0.263699822
[21,] 0.0121871913 -0.1863299304 0.034246740 0.091247102 -0.080131451
[22,] 0.0344283810 -0.1150367069 0.007291642 -0.484909202 0.002420392
[23,] 0.1977979813 0.0840537503 0.172241134 0.078706373 0.311691231
[24,] -0.0948390259 0.0524647864 -0.279020221 0.009544148 -0.206553405
[25,] 0.0594849896 0.1131241478 0.287880918 -0.279527786 0.060239844
[26,] 0.2191918037 -0.1605031941 0.056036613 0.055933637 0.198444513
[27,] 0.1295629163 0.0536864258 0.209225746 0.149040005 0.122131930
[28,] -0.1925996747 0.1089079117 0.143821576 0.307285752 -0.007699667
[29,] 0.2814053783 -0.2656112376 0.242592735 -0.161992159 -0.120451289
[30,] -0.1902429386 0.1809669527 -0.043648890 -0.098491666 0.114197959
[31,] -0.0155084650 -0.0417931104 -0.065406659 0.193334011 0.228112371
[32,] -0.2192327733 -0.0642663334 0.158876673 -0.273290637 0.034993759
[33,] -0.1525868353 -0.0520388087 0.046093380 -0.168706570 0.011836742
[34,] -0.0269458077 0.0352368012 0.008205491 0.010828145 -0.000423724
[35,] -0.0329725008 -0.0413906875 -0.186302842 0.027645914 -0.039720160
[36,] -0.4193815101 0.0725158797 0.032464427 0.093732182 -0.024994670
[37,] 0.0150865842 -0.1766856815 -0.162448843 -0.112129715 -0.128435264
[38,] 0.0649681396 -0.0300664309 -0.297040601 -0.058548849 -0.019733263
[39,] 0.0403027971 0.0616921497 -0.089968170 0.124814120 -0.005028767
[40,] -0.1082104252 0.1119012875 0.129789422 -0.024299983 0.172421644
[,31] [,32] [,33] [,34] [,35]
[1,] -0.005285036 -0.095671366 0.362669996 -0.075026530 0.256949901
[2,] 0.047241314 0.129880583 -0.171559066 0.062743492 -0.011831095
[3,] -0.179963877 0.182123169 0.229944920 0.052705836 -0.243545580
[4,] 0.065330152 0.006442492 0.024953194 0.104563270 -0.225150004
[5,] -0.099246907 0.165657889 -0.017576778 -0.094494620 0.125111701
[6,] 0.059648892 0.241617969 0.028130687 -0.106557684 0.044271074
[7,] 0.043603714 0.164488559 0.036121656 -0.145801394 -0.268208583
[8,] -0.145619084 0.104948317 0.116804770 0.070658222 -0.032969525
[9,] 0.072534068 -0.160581542 0.006577853 0.183568634 0.134790458
[10,] -0.043770994 -0.074002509 -0.199079595 0.036967109 0.071912736
[11,] 0.127870572 -0.138243771 0.103167731 0.176322129 0.044751754
[12,] 0.105832554 -0.040878065 -0.086816445 0.038220317 -0.077038975
[13,] 0.179294997 -0.207385697 -0.103749520 0.033863939 -0.084784671
[14,] -0.529819581 0.070162827 -0.307188494 0.057524336 -0.082446819
[15,] 0.125905285 0.085982086 0.013164536 0.159670837 -0.184808072
[16,] 0.053060644 0.005975088 0.155502672 0.046662792 0.203062673
[17,] 0.176991929 0.113835961 -0.032571784 0.195103156 -0.097601918
[18,] -0.106374816 0.067451324 0.062083040 -0.100758259 -0.290523662
[19,] 0.338499323 0.197941205 0.143060977 -0.046817105 0.022158101
[20,] 0.121979299 -0.097650425 -0.228833000 0.008650852 0.204777437
[21,] -0.139447134 -0.013564983 0.013160832 -0.242048930 0.215330608
[22,] 0.267660218 -0.072902335 -0.171193028 0.177660811 0.183336672
[23,] 0.159061372 0.036625689 -0.129476338 0.066902922 -0.077137870
[24,] -0.001760595 -0.149350084 -0.165395951 0.079268775 -0.127497158
[25,] -0.101506547 0.132957416 -0.003244448 -0.409846775 -0.077441806
[26,] 0.041238846 -0.167653465 -0.287651030 -0.013824433 -0.131389342
[27,] 0.012913498 0.018952004 -0.049094191 -0.230797744 0.078360916
[28,] 0.215459561 -0.259797084 0.206417389 -0.330109002 -0.306608622
[29,] 0.021474757 -0.034663509 0.251998016 -0.097911377 -0.102434203
[30,] -0.111966020 -0.046733618 -0.006348328 0.296835870 -0.306842570
[31,] -0.125057428 -0.100691359 0.134749324 -0.049949966 0.187708449
[32,] -0.120308756 -0.218260472 -0.043708172 -0.133946110 0.102506222
[33,] 0.049378303 -0.035365911 -0.024571688 0.049369481 -0.004062730
[34,] -0.160559696 -0.155298421 0.083712835 0.087568979 0.016760536
[35,] -0.121709018 -0.108066329 -0.202750214 -0.197156269 -0.004401274
[36,] 0.266985321 0.424111202 -0.278967339 -0.246098196 0.127739333
[37,] 0.057620012 0.068837143 0.085662409 -0.001810040 -0.163490334
[38,] -0.035917404 -0.231057296 0.202006601 0.008825165 0.113581983
[39,] -0.175329611 0.005886550 -0.108221959 -0.006970761 0.045771796
[40,] -0.135862455 0.405241707 0.181725669 0.347622397 0.204562583
[,36] [,37] [,38] [,39] [,40]
[1,] 0.244326165 0.0501747541 -0.2315007970 0.17547431 0.078770995
[2,] -0.085172793 -0.0759354260 -0.1858912569 -0.11116683 -0.215113387
[3,] 0.068358919 0.0398635451 0.0260460921 0.02390101 0.178979276
[4,] 0.195618764 -0.0008855799 0.3197706794 -0.09261320 -0.006997310
[5,] 0.001502148 0.2576485944 -0.0212546037 0.05249582 -0.090096107
[6,] -0.038159226 0.0670506960 0.0140246217 -0.03845332 -0.045665900
[7,] -0.029133901 0.0497009518 -0.1920633907 -0.18738462 -0.088841123
[8,] -0.053461951 -0.0218726127 0.0461044923 0.12622211 -0.106671788
[9,] -0.043885140 0.0862392074 -0.0614831164 0.09778282 -0.020327619
[10,] -0.186209621 -0.0888611492 -0.0706582484 -0.01518650 -0.114230174
[11,] 0.120340393 0.3278214335 -0.1641696384 0.21115901 0.057664465
[12,] -0.229308135 -0.1979234421 -0.1168577444 0.27029655 -0.151943116
[13,] 0.144553818 0.1675228333 -0.1400509886 0.17850566 -0.154876675
[14,] 0.218005076 -0.1311067276 -0.2524749274 0.04521873 -0.044447817
[15,] -0.115393273 0.3053230377 -0.0969374632 -0.29192731 0.195652441
[16,] 0.063659508 -0.1636733999 0.0206192800 -0.12419974 0.175717931
[17,] 0.141229582 -0.0208500695 0.0345781766 -0.03327614 -0.025750113
[18,] 0.150466496 -0.0492700753 0.1441325754 0.02837943 0.241912548
[19,] -0.017377953 -0.0230954095 -0.0519550921 0.14972177 0.086935243
[20,] -0.051367020 0.0979172830 0.1714410958 0.08356675 -0.061367095
[21,] -0.091586177 0.2201593051 0.3064906796 0.21811964 0.131133911
[22,] 0.023719095 0.0177512129 -0.0228983328 -0.24364490 0.208023114
[23,] 0.183655595 0.2118349124 0.3173764676 -0.04431162 -0.087332055
[24,] 0.137963463 0.0264323982 0.3851340417 0.13456836 -0.077712060
[25,] -0.301414941 0.1852321285 0.1478868193 0.14162335 0.039431992
[26,] -0.272319726 -0.2741940562 0.0486628335 0.08115931 0.468360897
[27,] -0.129320753 0.0979887680 -0.1528028907 -0.27741106 0.003484819
[28,] -0.147749684 -0.1038570541 -0.0292333278 -0.01503290 -0.016058463
[29,] 0.197127324 -0.2683584658 0.0487320315 -0.06206444 -0.367092546
[30,] -0.089745164 0.0348900477 0.0139841398 0.04933249 -0.034584420
[31,] 0.217162094 -0.1668069152 0.1585038194 -0.23097806 0.138162324
[32,] 0.080284021 -0.0379183151 -0.1966031382 -0.05139139 0.048958139
[33,] -0.187418155 -0.0762541603 -0.0460621960 0.02493730 -0.099627545
[34,] -0.196632023 0.1957248038 0.1228955621 0.02848968 -0.368780317
[35,] 0.089749909 0.3050936576 0.0004155838 -0.42447525 -0.070759808
[36,] 0.203597809 -0.1878196348 0.0624564958 0.11330999 -0.133260770
[37,] -0.051601091 0.2322390049 -0.1856901054 0.11559402 0.090593822
[38,] -0.229945498 -0.1338359623 0.2083725429 -0.19506462 -0.111049767
[39,] 0.092251226 0.0630984759 -0.0212128281 0.23065965 0.195879030
[40,] -0.311167064 -0.0321359755 0.1218812603 -0.08324526 0.010208762
Attaching package: 'gridExtra'
The following object is masked from 'package:dplyr':
Murder Assault UrbanPop Rape
Alabama 13.2 236 58 21.2
Alaska 10.0 263 48 44.5
Arizona 8.1 294 80 31.0
Arkansas 8.8 190 50 19.5
California 9.0 276 91 40.6
Colorado 7.9 204 78 38.7
Connecticut 3.3 110 77 11.1
Delaware 5.9 238 72 15.8
Florida 15.4 335 80 31.9
Georgia 17.4 211 60 25.8
scaled_df <- apply(USArrests, 2, scale)
arrests.cov <- cov(scaled_df)
arrests.eigen <- eigen(arrests.cov)
Murder Assault UrbanPop Rape
Murder 1.00000000 0.8018733 0.06957262 0.5635788
Assault 0.80187331 1.0000000 0.25887170 0.6652412
UrbanPop 0.06957262 0.2588717 1.00000000 0.4113412
Rape 0.56357883 0.6652412 0.41134124 1.0000000
eigen() decomposition
[1] 2.4802416 0.9897652 0.3565632 0.1734301
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,] 0.5358995 0.4181809 -0.3412327 0.64922780
[2,] 0.5831836 0.1879856 -0.2681484 -0.74340748
[3,] 0.2781909 -0.8728062 -0.3780158 0.13387773
[4,] 0.5434321 -0.1673186 0.8177779 0.08902432
[1] 0.3569992
[1] 5.328079e-17
List of 2
$ values : num [1:4] 2.48 0.99 0.357 0.173
$ vectors: num [1:4, 1:4] 0.536 0.583 0.278 0.543 0.418 ...
- attr(*, "class")= chr "eigen"
eigen() decomposition
[1] 2.4802416 0.9897652 0.3565632 0.1734301
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,] 0.5358995 0.4181809 -0.3412327 0.64922780
[2,] 0.5831836 0.1879856 -0.2681484 -0.74340748
[3,] 0.2781909 -0.8728062 -0.3780158 0.13387773
[4,] 0.5434321 -0.1673186 0.8177779 0.08902432
[1] 2.4802416 0.9897652 0.3565632 0.1734301
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,] 0.5358995 0.4181809 -0.3412327 0.64922780
[2,] 0.5831836 0.1879856 -0.2681484 -0.74340748
[3,] 0.2781909 -0.8728062 -0.3780158 0.13387773
[4,] 0.5434321 -0.1673186 0.8177779 0.08902432
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 0.5358995 0.4181809
[2,] 0.5831836 0.1879856
[3,] 0.2781909 -0.8728062
[4,] 0.5434321 -0.1673186
beep <- prcomp(scaled_df)
beep$rotation <- beep$rotation * -1
beep$rotation <- beep$x * -1
biplot(beep, scale = 0)
To start